
  • Verónica Crousse Rastelli "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú"


Art, public art, artistic educational training, interdisciplinarity, design


The process of recognition of the characteristics and differences between art, art in public space and public art have been clarifying which are the competencies that a public artist must have. The traditional artist, accustomed to act inside the introspective and self-referential art field, has not necessarily the skills or the methodological tools to act in a complex and dynamic environment as the public space, which requires that the other - the public - is centered in the project objectives. The complexity of the public space cannot be covered by a single discipline, so that in the urban design and public art processes, becomes a necessity the interdisciplinary work in order to achieving a broad vision and an integrating synthesis of the problems, to propose adequate responses to the complexity of these projects that include the needs and expectations of the community.

How should be the proper educational training of a public artist? Should it start under a disciplinary training integrated with other disciplines such as design - which have a marked vocation towards the other - or should it be necessary to create a specific training capable of both integrate the communicative an expressive skills through aesthetics – as the artistic language – and satisfy the collective needs. All these with the development of interdisciplinarity work competences in order to address projects of art and design in the public realm.

We came to the conclusion that it is important the disciplinary artistic training, as the base of a specialized knowledge. Developing an educational attitude for interdisciplinary work, that releases the artist from the introspective aspects of the artistic training to the interdisciplinary work for the collective.



How to Cite

Crousse Rastelli, Verónica. 2013. “PUBLIC ART AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY. THE DISCIPLINARY ARTISTIC EDUCATION PROBLEMS”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, no. 27 (October):13-24.