The Public Art as an urban event. Center and Outskirts


  • Filipa Calvário "Mestre em Arquitectura pelo IST, Lisboa"


Public Art, Urban Regeneration, Centre City, Peripheries, Almada, Lisboa


The following article focuses on the essential meanings of Public Art in city´s public space. It is based on the dissertation for master degree in Architecture of Instituto Superior Técnico (“The essential meanings of Public Art. Reflection on the meanings of Public Art in urban peripheries: Almada and Parque das Nações”, IST 2008) where we studied the concept of public art and how it can give identity and symbolic values to public spaces.
This reflection was based on the selection and analysis of eight study cases placed in urban peripheries of Almada and Parque das Nações. The main objective was to propose some theoretical lines of action which should be followed in future projects for a correct implementation of art work in urban space. The fields of art as urban developments are fascinating, but sometimes overlooked in urban design.



How to Cite

Calvário, Filipa. 2009. “The Public Art As an Urban Event. Center and Outskirts”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, no. 12 (April):67-79.