The urban interface. One approach


  • Emilio Reyes Schade "Universidad del Bio-Bio"


Interface, Public Space, Public Transport, Mobility, Accessibility


This article aims to reflect on the term interface, generating a vision or definition of it, covering both the understanding, as well as the conformation and design (spatial, formal and functional) of its physical space, from its interest for the urban space.
The article aims to bring the definition of interface to a spatial conception of it, in relation to the public urban space. This conception is generated from two complementary views: 1) from the binding capacity of the public space (the street) in relation to the uses and functions, and of these with the networks and structuring systems of the city, and 2) from the ordering and physical distribution of the interfaces in the urban space, which is defined in part by the degrees of complementarity, compatibility and interconnection of the same.
The present complexity, in relation to the articulation of the different elements and urban agents described above, establish a multi-scalar and changing perspective of the theoretical and practical conception of the conformation of the interface space in the city.
However, regardless of the changing nature of urban agents, which certainly presents a theoretical lack of definition and instability in the conformation of the interface space, a formal, spatial and functional as well as theoretical approach can be established, a priori, on the basis of of a common space of support, containment and articulation, which for this case of study is the public space and more specifically the street.


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How to Cite

Reyes Schade, Emilio. 2018. “The Urban Interface. One Approach”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 60 (7):3-40.