Balconies for applause




Covid 19, citizenship, solidarity, Barcelona, Bon Pastor, operation Mercedes, monument


The COVID19 crisis has redefined the way of life, production and work methodologies: however, during this period, the positive attitude of citizens has contributed significantly to overcoming the first part of the crisis, supporting the arduous work of farmers. , cleaners, transporters, bus and subway drivers, replenishers, supermarket cashiers, policemen, health workers, and health personnel, who have formed a first line of struggle to contain the virus and to this is added the discipline of the confined citizenry who have attacked their routines to show support for the courageous dedication of those who have allowed us to maintain everyday life in our lives.

The development of activities in the period of the COVID19 crisis, has redefined the way of inhabiting spaces; Obviously, the adaptation to new circumstances is a challenge, since the idea of public and private is reconceptualized.

Author Biography

Tatiana Carolia Chavez, Universitat de Barcelona

Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, currently studying a master's degree in Urban Design: Art, City, Society at the University of Barcelona, has worked as an analyst for public institutions in Ecuador in the areas of Infrastructure and Maintenance for more than 6 years designing architectural projects of various kinds, enhancing their leadership and organization by managing various logistical work groups for the adaptation of interior and exterior spaces. She is membre of “ASODICOM” (Association for Community Dialogue - Ecuador), reinforcing the principles of common work and citizen participation.


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How to Cite

Chavez, Tatiana Carolia. 2020. “Balconies for Applause”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 62 (9):45-58.