The role of hotel architecture in shaping the city’s image




hotel architecture, image of the city, aesthetic value


The elements of the environment are characterized by variability. The structure of the city is also a subject to constant structural, social and material transformations.

Objects in the city can play significant role for urban landscape. In recent years, it can be observed that the architecture of hotels in cities is becoming more and more unique. After years of building similar hotel facilities, architects began to create more and more original forms that attract the attention of passers-by and are remembered. The importance of individual places in the hierarchy of these space is also changing. Hotels are elements that
build the image of cities, often becoming their visual dominant. This applies to creating a sculpture in a space that catch attention with its form and play of colors.

The aim of the article is to show, on the example of selected projects, how hotel buildings can shape urban images. The research method is based on the analysis of selected objects and showing their role in shaping the image of the city. The concept of the hotel influences the building of identity. The form of the hotel, the functionality, the materials, and their combination, create the semantic experience for observer. The hotel becomes a ‘story’ narrative that gives visitors or pedestrians a personal feeling of reading architecture.

According to Kevin Lynch (1960:8), the external image we perceive can be analyzed by combining three factors: identity, structure and meaning. Identity is identifying an object, distinguishing it from others, making it exclusive. Thus, fragments of space of greater importance are created in the city, which are shaped in terms of public utility. These areas, having greater value, are also of greater prestige for the city. They add as well the aesthetic energy to the city.

Author Biography

Krystyna Strumiłło, Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

In 1988 I graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, majoring in architecture. I worked in design offices. Since 1995

I have been working at the Institute of Architecture and Town Planning of the Lodz University of Technology, since 2003 as an assistant professor. My research interests concern sustainable and ecological architecture and public spaces.


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How to Cite

Strumiłło, Krystyna. 2021. “The Role of Hotel Architecture in Shaping the city’s Image”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 63 (11):3-25.