Reflections on the metropolitan identity of urban redevelopment in the outskirts of Madrid


  • Blanca Fernández "Universidad Complutense"

Palabras clave:

Periphery, Urban Design, Public Art


The reason for this paper, entitled “Reflections on the metropolitan
identity of urban redevelopment in the outskirts of Madrid ”, lies on
the current interest of considering public art as the main creative and
rehabilitating element that defines the metropolitan identity, and in
particular, that of Madrid’s peripheral districts_.
To understand this issue, it’s necessary to introduce two wellknown
factors: the phenomenon of urban redevelopment in city outskirts, and the evolution of public art in the international art scene.



Cómo citar

Fernández, Blanca. 2002. «Reflections on the Metropolitan Identity of Urban Redevelopment in the Outskirts of Madrid». on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, n.º 3 (septiembre):253-57.