Actitud lingüística y uso a través de la columna periodística “La punta de la lengua” de Álex Grijelmo




Álex Grijelmo, “La punta de la lengua”, columns on language (CSL), press, linguistic attitude, Spanish language.


This paper provides an analysis of the main linguistic problems discussed weekly by the journalist Álex Grijelmo for the last two years and a half in the column of the newspaper El País entitled “La punta de la lengua”. During this time, this author addressed a wide range of issues concerning all branches of linguistics (phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, pragmatics), both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective, trying to offer an objective and scientific account of these problems. They are samples of speech that the author collects from different social situations, whether in the media (television, radio, press), in the field of politics, etc., namely, in the day-to-day life. For all this, a critical analysis of the journalist’s linguistic attitude is carried out in the face of uses that he selects from real speech contexts that conflict with the norm or because they are misleading by the will of speakers, in order to determine, on the one hand, which issues are currently of greatest interest, and, on the other, the possible successes and mistakes that may come about throughout their treatment.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Lancis, C. (2021). Actitud lingüística y uso a través de la columna periodística “La punta de la lengua” de Álex Grijelmo. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 11, 203–224.



Monogràfic. La llengua en el punt de mira dels mitjans de comunicació