Test anxiety among English language learners: A case of vocabulary testing using multiple-choice items and error identification tests





Assessment, Error identification, Multiple-choice items, Test anxiety, Vocabulary knowledge


Introduction. This study sought to discern the impact of test anxiety on English language learners’ test performance. Method. Fifty female learners at intermediate and upper-intermediate levels of English were divided into two groups – Multiple-Choice (MC) and Error Identification (EI) – according to their scores in vocabulary tests given in the pre-treatment phase. A questionnaire was then administered to assess the level of anxiety brought about by these tests. During a 20-week period the EI group received lesson plans designed based on error-identification activities, while the MC group was offered instructions including multiple-choice items. After the treatment, the same tests and questionnaire were administered. Results and Discussion. The findings showed that the level of test anxiety was higher in the EI group compared with the MC group. The positive role of familiarization and the negative impact of debilitative anxiety were observed through this study. The findings of the current study can be transferred to other high-stake proficiency tests.

Author Biography

Yasin Khoshhal, University of Guilan, Rasht

Department of English Language and Literature


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How to Cite

Khoshhal, Y. (2021). Test anxiety among English language learners: A case of vocabulary testing using multiple-choice items and error identification tests. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 14(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1344/reire2021.14.132147



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