Content validity by expert judgment: Quantitative and qualitative integration in the construction of measurement instruments
measurement instrument, quantitative research, expert judgment, psichometrics, content validityAbstract
INTRODUCTION. Phenomena such as intelligence, personality, emotions, or perceptions are intangible; their measurement requires the use of operational definitions broken down into dimensions evaluated with items. To do so, measurement instruments must be developed that are able to infer the presence of these variables.
METHOD. Constructing these instruments is a complex, iterative process involving various phases of review and empirical validation. Content validity through expert judgment is one of these phases, in which items are subjected to scrutiny by specialists in order to identify gaps, ambiguities, or biases. Although this procedure ensures item representativeness and relevance, it is only rarely reported in instrument validation.
RESULTS. This article summarizes the procedure of content validity by expert judgment in the construction of a measurement instrument; it also describes the execution of the quantitative analysis using the Content Validity Coefficient with the support of an Excel macro, as well as the qualitative integration of the observations provided by the judges.
CONCLUSION. The article stresses the importance of systematizing and reporting the decisions made in this process, in order to guarantee rigour and traceability in the construction of measurement instruments.
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