Growth dynamics in the long run: an educational innovation supported by Project-Based Learning
Enseñanza Práctica Docente, Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, Historia Económica, ExcelAbstract
INTRODUCTION. This article presents a Practical Teaching Method (PTM) supported by Project-Based Learning (PBL) as an effective strategy for promoting the application of knowledge and the development of students’ practical skills.
METHOD. The article describes the successful implementation of PTM in the subject Global Economic History within the Business Management degree. The PTM improves students’ ability to interpret quantitative information and to use Excel in order to produce convergence indices between countries.
RESULTS. The students acquired basic Excel skills and developed a deep understanding of the theoretical classes, establishing a strong complementarity.
DISCUSSION. The article highlights the importance of adapting higher education to the demands of the current labour market and of encouraging the use of active methodologies such as PBL for the development of key competencies.
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