The acquisition of self-regulated learning competences. Analysis of their conception and learning in different Higher Education courses.
Enseñanza de competencias, autorregulación del aprendizaje, perspectiva socio-constructivista, calidad de la innovación, enseñanza universitariaAbstract
This is a research about the competence of self-regulated learning in university students. It is based in a socio-constructivist theory and according to the phases of the acquisition of the self-regulated learning proposed by Zimmerman (2000). We analyze the dimensions that are specifically related with planning individual and group learning. We studied four proposals for educational innovation on teaching self-regulation learning. There were 386 students and 9 teachers of the University of Barcelona involved, belonging to three different studies (Biology, Education and Psychology) and four different subjects, during the academic year 2007-2008. The results show, overall, that students understand the planning as a formal activity, exclusively located at the beginning of the learning process; they are limiting its role to the organization of work, and they don’t relate their use to management to build knowledge.References
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