Student's perspective towards the adaptation of the subject "Experimental and applied designs" to the European Higher Education Area
Teaching innovation, Virtual campus, Blended learning, European Higher Education AreaAbstract
This article describes the adaptation of the subject "Experimental and applied designs" of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universitat of Barcelona (UB) according to UB marked guidelines by the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim of this research is to know the students' opinions with regard to the teaching innovation by means of the introduction of the virtual campus. Therefore, it was administered to 180 undergraduate students, an adaptation of the questionnaire EMID (Evaluation of the Model of Teaching Innovation) that valued diverse appearances, like: the autonomous activities, the system of evaluation continued and the virtual campus with Moodle. The results of the study show that the students' value positively the innovation, especially the methodological system of teaching-learning-assessment through the virtual campus, as well as the theoretical and practical materials designed for the students of this subject.References
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