Improving the teaching performance of professors in Mathematics


  • Antoni Benseny-Ardiaca Universitat de Barcelona
  • Ma. Carme (Maria Carme) Cascante Universitat de Barcelona
  • Joan Gispert-Brasó Universitat de Barcelona
  • B. (Buenaventura) Verdú Universitat de Barcelona



Teaching, motivation, continuous assessment, students’ dedication.


This paper is the result of the research conducted under the joint project REDICE08, PID08, PID09 How to motivate, to adapt the continuous assessment and how to measure the work in the subjects of mathematics during the courses 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. The project addresses issues related to the results of questionnaires on the performance of professors in the undergraduate studies of Mathematics at the University of Barcelona (UB), in which the students make evident the low motivation of the majority of docents and the high workload on many of the subjects. As a result of the study and the teaching experience in the subjects involved in the project mentioned above, it appears that the motivation of students is achieved when the following facts are fulfilled: on one hand, a suitable choice and a good communication of contents which promote dialogue with students; on the other hand, a continuous assessment with a progressive increase in the difficulty of the activities assigned to the students in their study time and a continuous attention to the students while carrying them out. Finally we observe that the quantification of the students’ dedication to these different activities is a great help to professors when designing the different activities to adequate them to the required dedication and also that the different assessment activities should be rated in the final qualification consequently to this dedication. Motivation takes great strength as a key element that must be considered in the development of good university teaching. Motivated students have greater commitment, better integration in the courses, better academic results and better motivation of professors. This cycle of feedback and motivation makes very positive effects on both professors and students. A final consideration is that the improvement of the teaching performance in mathematics will probably take a long time. However, the actions and proposals made by a considerable number of professors of different areas and departments of the Faculty of Mathematics are experiences that surely may be of help in many other subjects of mathematics and studies.


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How to Cite

Benseny-Ardiaca, A., Cascante, M. C. (Maria C., Gispert-Brasó, J., & Verdú, B. (Buenaventura). (2012). Improving the teaching performance of professors in Mathematics. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 5(2), 1–21.



Research Articles