Inter-Accions. A transdisciplinary educational experience in a collective context


  • Marta Carrasco-Bonet Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
  • Sergi Selvas-Gardeñas Universitat de Barcelona



Collective Pedagogy, Self-organization of Learning, Art, Architecture, City, Transdisciplinarity, Informal learning


Inter-Accions is an interuniversity collective educational project which is based on the self-organization and the art-architecture transdisciplinary practice. The project, which is created by students for students of these two fields, has been proposed facing the need of opening autonomous learning spaces within the institution. The principal aim of the proposal is to build an experimentation space where working with the collective management of education beyond the content and the results, is possible. So it is from a critical perspective and in an academic and university context that this experience has been propose, in order to allow architects and artists sharing roles. Additionally, from the collective and collaborative work based on the idea of open source, they are able to set up new useful, practical and critical methodologies that can be applied in the development of their work on the city. The projects developed during the workshops take the city as a reflection and intervention space, and allow reaching the conclusion that the interest on the methods and the approaching processes, as well as the creation and learning processes are more determining than the willing of reaching final results. Today, this proposal is being developed in the frame of a University Extension Subject of the University of Barcelona called “Artistic Cartography”.


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How to Cite

Carrasco-Bonet, M., & Selvas-Gardeñas, S. (2015). Inter-Accions. A transdisciplinary educational experience in a collective context. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 8(2), 242–255.



Extraordinary special section: IV Conference on The Pedagogical Relationship at the University