The emergence of marketing as a strategy to capture students: Media and advertising in Chilean higher education
University, Media investment, Marketing, PrestigeAbstract
This article provides an empirical and comparative analysis of the investment in media publicity made by institutions of the Chilean Higher Education system. The data corresponds to the year 2010. As Weber has described, in the construction of institutional prestige, media publicity investment is an important component of symbolic capital. The construction of institutional prestige using symbolic traditional excellence or accelerated growth is related to the marketing of institutions. The introduction of marketing in Chilean higher education quantifies institutional prestige through the use of rankings and also through the financial profits obtained from students’ fees. Some universities attempt to cultivate “artificial” prestige through the use of marketing in the media instead of producing truly symbolic capital. In this framework, the article correlates university quality, financial resources and media expenditure. We observe different types of institutional behaviour, noting that in practical terms some institutions attribute only minor importance to marketing while others make a substantial investment. We postulate an inverse correlation between this type of expenditure and symbolic capital. An analysis of the distribution of expenditures with the Gini index shows a clear imbalance between the institutions.References
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