Validation of a Spanish instrument for assessing parenting skills promoted in a parenting educational intervention
Measuring instrument, Parent education, Parent role, Qualitative analysis, Statistical analysis, ValidationAbstract
Interventions to promote parenting skills help to enhance children’s and parents’ wellbeing. In Spain, these kinds of interventions are common, but there are no validated parenting skills questionnaires to evaluate them. This study validates an instrument for measuring parental skills created from an original 43-item, six-dimension questionnaire used in the context of a parenting educational programme in different regions of Spain. To identify limitations and improvements, we collected qualitative data from 44 professionals, and quantitative data from 84 parents who attended the sessions of a parent training programme. This process allowed us to shorten and adapt the original questionnaire to create a new 19-item version that was tested on 12 professionals and 10 families. The results suggest that the final questionnaire contains the main parenting skills dimensions, uses understandable language, and has satisfactory psychometric properties (α between 0.71 on Subscale2 and 0.80 on Subscale5; items weigh r > 0.40 on the first factor; and the total variance for the extracted factors > 50%).References
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