Levels of basic competences among students on the Chemistry degree of the University of Barcelona. Correspondence with access grades and average undergraduate grades





Mathematical reasoning, Logical reasoning, Spatio-geometric reasoning, Critical thinking, University admission test, BSc in Chemistry, Academic performance


INTRODUCTION. The competences mathematical reasoning, logical reasoning, spatio-geometric reasoning and critical thinking are fundamental in scientific or technological higher education studies, in particular in a degree in Chemistry. This study aimed to establish the extent to which university access grades and the average grades of the students enrolled on the BSc in chemistry at the University of Barcelona reflect the level achieved in these four competences. METHODOLOGY. A test was designed with questions and problems of varying degrees of difficulty to assess the level achieved in these competences. The test was taken by students enrolled on the BSc in Chemistry, and the scores obtained were correlated with the university access grades of first year students and with the average grades of the students in the second and subsequent years of the degree. RESULTS. Students in the second and subsequent years presented a clear correlation between the scores in each competence and the average undergraduate grades. However, a correlation with the university access grades was not found, or was very weak. CONCLUSION. University access grades of the students in the BSc in chemistry at the University of Barcelona do not reflect the level achieved in these fundamental competences, but average undergraduate grades do reflect the level achieved.


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How to Cite

Reigada Sanz, R., Gargallo Gómez, R., Sarret Pons, M., Angurell Purroy, I., Nicolás Galindo, E., Corbella Cordomí, M., & Farrera Piñol, J.-A. (2020). Levels of basic competences among students on the Chemistry degree of the University of Barcelona. Correspondence with access grades and average undergraduate grades. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 13(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1344/reire2020.13.230564



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