New faculty members at Catalan universities: analysis of their training programmes
Novice teachers, Initial training, Training programme, Faculty developmentAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The goal of this research is to identify which Catalan universities organize institution-wide programmes especially designed to train their new faculty members, and to examine and compare their features and content. METHODS: We conducted a documentary and content analysis of data systematically gathered from institutional documents and published studies, and the answers to our questions received from the institutions. RESULTS: Five out of the 12 Catalan universities organize programmes of this kind. Among them, we identify a tendency to address certain specific contents—ICT, assessment, teaching methods and course design—to organize classroom observations, and to use portfolios as an assessment tool. We also find that the presence of other content such as tutorial support and teamwork is less frequent, and note clear differences regarding programme design, the dedication required of the participants, and the institutional and departmental origin of the instructors. DISCUSSION: We focus on the features, differences and common trends in these training programmes, proposing ideas and arguments—for example, the inclusion of content addressing students’ diversity and teaching in other languages—based on the discussion in the current literature in relation to the training and professional development of university faculty members.References
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