Are any 'green shoots' visible in the education system in the post-pandemic context?
Educational system, Pandemic, Transformation, Social constructivism, Connectivism, COVID-19Abstract
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the confinement it has forced upon society has left our country’s education system in a particularly complex position. Based on the many reflections that have been made on this subject in recent months, this article attempts, first, to analyse the situation of the education system in the post-pandemic landscape and, second, to identify theoretical frameworks that might be useful in the course of its inevitable transformation to meet the demands of the “new normality”. After this analysis, we present five reflections on the basis of a set of texts on topics seen as essential in this transformation. Finally, we highlight the possible new role of schools as social centres that place a greater emphasis on digital spaces inside the educational process, in which the work of teachers is placed at the centre of the equation as the engine of this change, together with a cross-sectional social transformation to promote equity and excellence in the educational system.References
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