Service-learning networks: conceptions, skills and conditions of a transformative glocal movement
Learning and Service Networks (L&SN) are framed within these elements to enhance the performance and identity of institutions and actors seeking to build a more supportive world as a strategy for participation, training and advocacy that strengthens the possibility of leaving installed capacity and making service-learning grow in different territories. This article describes how R&S can be led and managed and how relevant actors at the global level perceive the state of play and networking challenges. It is based on two Global Mappings of SL as a source of information, which surveyed more than 1300 actors at local, regional and global levels through questionnaires and interviews. The results show that L&SN supports a complex web of actors working together and in diversity towards common goals. They are strategies of action, an identifying feature of the actors, a way of being, doing and being in the world, and communities that learn together.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luz M. Avruj, Andrés Peregalli, Candelaria Ferrara
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