No. 17 (2014): Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History 17.

					View No. 17 (2014): Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History 17.

In this issue, the section ”Temes” opens with a reflection on the role of historical research and the historian in the contemporary period, and continues with studies on the Catalan community in Montevideo between the end of the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century; the role of intellectuals in public service in the Generalitat of Catalonia during the Second Republic; the contribution of Joan Estelrich to the construction of a humanistic discourse in the thirties, and the role of cinema in the dissemination of a distinct Valencian identity. In the section "Monographs and Research" there are contributions on the figures of President Sunyol and Nicolau d'Olwer. The issue concludes with a section on the Almirall Project, which analyzes the presence of Romantic literature in the Ateneu Barcelonès Library.

Published: 2016-09-02
