
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it at the same time being evaluated in another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). PHONICA actively checks for plagiarism using URKUND platform.
  • 2. The template is written in the language of the manuscript. For achieving the right template, select the language at the top of the right column and click the link "Word Template" in the "Author Guidelines".
  • 3. The submission file is in the PHONICA’s Microsoft Word template.
  • 4. The DOI, or failing this the URL, have been provided for the references, where possible.
  • 5. The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • 6. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and the template.
  • 7. The manuscript does not include information about the author (name, surname, academic affiliation, email address, ORCID code) but in the submission process to guarantee the blind peer-review process. In the case of self-references, these must be included in the text and bibliography as AUTHOR (year) without specifying the title.
  • 8. You have the relevant rights or authorisation to publish images, photos, videos, music.

Author Guidelines

PHONICA encourages authors and researchers of SOUND, VOICE and SPEECH to submit their originals to the journal. Scientific papers that meet the requirements of a scientific publication and present research results, an innovative didactic, technical or clinical experience, or a well-founded theoretical proposal are accepted, among others.

Submission of manuscripts

  • Manuscripts are submitted using the journal’s OJS platform (Login, if you are registered) before 1 May each year. The entire process until the final decision will be via the platform.
  • Authors must register as users here to be able to submit their manuscript for review.
  • Authors must follow the journal's Author Guidelines and must use this Word template.
  • Authors must send two manuscripts in Word format. The first must include the author's name and affiliation. The second,
    to be sent for review, must not include this information.

Manuscripts must be:

  • Unpublished and not have been submitted to any other publication for review. In the case of using material partially reproduced from other publications (text, graphs, figures, etc.), authors must have permission to use the materials and cite the source.
  • Original research of scientific quality, the originality, relevance and methodological quality of which will be evaluated.
  • Written in Catalan, Spanish or English. However, manuscripts written in other Romance languages are accepted (Italian, French and Portuguese).
  • Written clearly and correctly with good quality writing, according to the criteria of Universitat de Barcelona  (
  • Include information about the author (name, surname, academic affiliation, email address, ORCID code) in the submission process but not in the manuscript to guarantee the blind peer-review process. In the case of self-references, these must be included in the text and bibliography as AUTHOR (year) without specifying the title.
  • Present the title, abstract and keywords in Catalan, Spanish and English. For original manuscripts in a different language, the title, the abstract and keywords should be given first in that language, second in Catalan and third in English.
  • Use the template written in the language of the article.


  • Submitted manuscripts must be written using the journal template, respecting the format and the indications.
  • The abstract must be between 150 and 200 words.
  • There must be between 3 and 5 keywords. The first letter must be capitalised and they must be separated by a semicolon.
  • Manuscripts should be between 18 and 25 pages long. Longer documents will be considered provided there is a justified reason for their length.
  • The font must be Times New Roman 11, single-spaced with upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm and side margins of 3 cm.
  • Footnotes must be at the bottom of the page and numbered consecutively and the font must be Times New Roman 10, single-spaced.
  • References to other documents within the text must include the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication in brackets (Garrido, 2020). If the reference has been taken from a specific page, ‘p.’ must be added together with the number Garrido et al., 2019, p. 27) and for multiple pages (Garrido et al., 2019, p. 27-28). If there are two or more publications by the same author, the years must be separated by a comma (Marrero, 2014, 2015); if they were published the same year, they must be differentiated using a letter (Rodero, 2015a, 2015b). For publications by two authors, both must be given and separated with ‘&’ (Roseano & Fernández-Planas, 2019); for more than two, the first author is cited followed by et al. (Prieto et al., 2013). For references to two or more papers by different authors, each author and the year must be cited and separated by a semicolon (Alfano, 2015; Congosto, 2011; Face, 2006).
  • Short quotations should be included within the text in quotation marks: “text text text” (Escandell, 1999, p.3948).
  • If the quotation is 3 lines or more, it must be included as a separate paragraph, with left and right indentations of 1 cm, in Times New Roman size 10.
  • All bibliography references cited in the manuscript must be given in alphabetical order and according to the American Psychological Association (APA) For examples, see the template.
  • Acknowledgements and funding sources for the research can be included in a footnote or at the end of the manuscript before the references. In any case, these must be added after the review process has concluded.
  • Additional files with research materials, such as graphs, videos, audio, images, among others, can be attached to the document.


  • Once the manuscript has been accepted, the authors must upload the final version onto the journal’s website. This version must respect all the formal editing requirements and be of excellent linguistic quality.
  • The journal’s editors reserve the right to publish manuscripts in the editions of the journal they consider most suitable. 

PHONICA is not responsible for any opinions or statements made by the authors in their manuscripts. 

Submitting papers to PHONICA implies acceptance by the author of the ethical requirements and criteria for manuscripts established by the journal (see relevant sections). In this regard, manuscripts that do not rigorously meet these criteria will be rejected.

Privacy Statement

Body responsible

Office of the General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


If you register as an author or reviewer, the objective will be to organize the completion of the different functions associated with the journal to which you register. If you register as a reader, the objective will be to send you information about the journal to which you register.

Legitimate basis

Consent of the interested party

Target audience

The University and those responsible for the processing, if applicable. The transfer of data to third parties is not covered, except when there is a legal obligation.


Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of your data, right to request data portability and restriction of processing.

Additional information

For further information, please visit this link: