The processing of melodic speech analysis in the PRESEEA corpus: challenge from a computational perspective




This study explores the processing and melodic analysis of speech through the PRESEEA corpus, focusing on the high level of difficulty presented by the computational proposal. The research highlights the importance of computational environments for phonetic analysis, focusing on the study of tone, intensity, and duration of speech and its relationship with intonational groups in Spanish. Using advanced tools such as Oralstats, the efficacy of the Melodic Analysis of Speech (MAS) methodology for the analysis of phonetic data in large volumes of linguistic data is demonstrated. Despite the advantages of these computational tools, the study also points out challenges and limitations in the accuracy and automatic interpretation of prosody. The results emphasize the complexity of prosody and its variability according to sociolinguistic factors, opening new directions for future research in computational linguistics and phonetics.

Keywords: Melodic Analysis of Speech (MAS); PRESEEA corpus; Prosody; ORALSTATS; Spanish


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