https://doi.org/10.1344/transfer.2019.14.49-72Paraules clau:
Estudios de Recepción, LiteraturaComparada, Walt Whitman, PoesíapersaResum
Orientado a la recepción de Walt Whitman en Irán, el presente ensayo
se centra en la portada de la traducción de un libro de Whitman al
persa para estudiar cómo la imagen de dicho autor se traduce
visualmente para el public iraní. Entre los discursos literarios del Irán
contemporáneo, el que asocia la poesía con el misticismo juega el
papel más importante en esta traducción.
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FOMESHI, Behnam M. (2015). Walt Whitman's and Nima Yushij's Literary Innovations: A
Study in Comparative Poetics. Ph.D. Dissertation, Shiraz: Shiraz University
FRABIZIO, Ryan. (2012). “The Ecstatic Whitman: The Body and Sufistic Influences in
Leaves of Grass.” M.A. Thesis. Boca Raton: Florida Atlantic University.
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and Migrations: The USA in/and the World, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge
Scholars, pp. 95-110.
GRUNZWEIG, Walter. (1995). Constructing the German Walt Whitman. Iowa: University
of Iowa Press.
JEWELL, Andrew and Kenneth M. Price. (2006). “Twentieth-century Mass Media
Appearances.” In: Donald D. Kummings (ed.).A Companion to Walt Whitman.
Oxford, England and Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 341-358.
KENNEDY, William Sloane. (1926). The Fight of a Book for the World. West Yarmouth:
The Stonecraft Press.
LEMASTER, Jahan R. and Sabahat Jahan. (2009). Walt Whitman and the Persian Poets: A
Study in Literature and Religion. Bethesda, Md.: Ibex Publishers.
LONDERO, Rodolfo Rorato. (2012). “We See Cyborgs Differently: A Comparative Study
between North American and Latin American Cyberpunk.” In: A. M. Alves
(ed.).Unveiling the Posthuman, Oxford, UK: Interdisciplinary Press, pp. 133-144.
LOSENSKY, Paul E. (2012). “Persian Poetry.” In: Stephen Cushman et al. (eds.). The
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University Press, pp. 1021–1024.
PARSA, Shamsi and Golnaz Peivandi. (2012). “Walt Whitman va Ahmad Shamlu” [Walt
Whitman and Ahmad Shamlu], Comparative Literature Quarterly, 6.1: 89-102.
PRAWER, Siegbert S. (1973). Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction. London:
SHARMA, Roshan Lal. (2005). “Walt Whitman and Sufism”, Spring Magazine on English
Literature, 2.2.
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Humanities and Social Sciences: IIAS journal of the Inter-University Centre for
Humanities and Social Sciences, 3.2: 61-74.
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Appraisal”,Literati,5: 85-103.
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SKWARA, Marta. (2010). “Polski Whitman”: O Funkcjonowaniu Poety Obcego w Kulturze
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TOWHIDIAN, Mohsen. (2011). “Pishgoftar” [Introduction].Man Walt Whitmanam: Gozideye
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Azimi (ed.). Padshah-e Fath. [The King of Victory]. Tehran: Sokhan, pp. 229-234.
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