Translation, Feminism, Nós Outras, BITRAGA.Abstract
Nós Outras. Translational behaviors and interventions was born as a new project of BITRAGA, Research Group of the Faculty of Philology and Translation at the University of Vigo (Spain). It aims at the creation of a space for the debate on Feminisms and Translation and Interpreting Studies (ET&I) going beyond the literary field in which these studies have traditionally been developed. The paper focuses on the work of women translators-interpreters (theorists, professionals, agents or any one responsible for this mediation process), and on the role they play in the recent history of translation/interpreting, with special attention to cultural transfer within Spain. The essays collected here address many different issues, such as the work of translators/interpreters; the review of the history of translation from a gender perspective, contributing, by these means, to the History of T&I through the canon construction of female translators/interpreters and women authors translated in different languages and cultures; the map of editors of translated female literary work and the catalogue of female translators; the reflection on the most relevant phenomena and trends in this field in which neither the use of language nor the transmission of ideology are irrelevant; and the analyse of texts, working conditions, translation policies, and editorial lines of action, among others.
With the purpose of helping to unmask the power mechanisms behind any rewriting process, we aim at the cultural resistance strategies that the interaction between Translation and the various trends within Feminism entails, as disciplines that both question hegemonic discourses and progress through critical reflection, examining it from their internal debate.
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