Isotta Nogarola, Luigi Dardano, Pecado original, Eva, IntertextualidadAbstract
Challenging the traditional Christian view of Eve as the main culprit of original sin, Isotta Nogarola's, ¿Quién pecó más Adán. Eva?(1451) and Luigi Dardano's La bella e dotta difesa delle donne (1554) present a series of arguments based mainly on the Holy Scriptures. These are intended to refute the idea of their disobedience as the origin of all evils.
This article examines the connections and intertextual relationships between the two texts, highlighting how both authors reconfigure the negative conception of the character of Eve and, therefore, linked to the woman-sin binomial. They thus deconstruct the patriarchal narrative, subverting the stereotypes that had been associated with the first woman.
By presenting both texts as a challenge to the social norms of the time, both those of morality and those imposed by sex, they position themselves as essential within the Querelle des femmes. Therefore, through the lens of the gender perspective, the aim of the following article is to analyze the defenses that Isotta Nogarola and Luigi Dardano present in order to reevaluate the role of Eve in the present, past and future culture and history.
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