New values in Bon Pastor's remembrance. Increasing heritage shared inventory


  • Carme Turégano "General manager. Sant Andreu District"


Bon Pastor, Enric Sanchís House, Public facilities, Public space, Value of Public Space, Citizen participation


The Enric Sanchís factory is one of the first settled in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood at the beginning of the 20th century. Of the set of buildings of the factory (White Center, colony for residence of workers and the house of the owners), at present day only remains the building of the owners (1914) and the rest of the old facilities are currently used by several small firms.  In 2001, the PERI states that the factory is affected and that its site will be destined to open a street and the building destined to equip the neighbourhood. In the current mandate, the district estimates that it is necessary to promote the possibilities opened by the 2001 PERI. Thanks to the powers of the Municipal Charter of Barcelona, on October 5th, 2017 the City gets the property of 280 m2 in order  to allocate a  neighbourhood facility.



How to Cite

Turégano, Carme. 2018. “New Values in Bon Pastor’s Remembrance. Increasing Heritage Shared Inventory”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 60 (6).