Reply by Concha Díez- Pastor to Martín Domínguez Ruz and Pablo Rabasco



Right of reply


In November 2017 we published the article “Carlos Arniches. Architecture and documents ”(On the w @ terfront vol. 58, nº 1, of November 10, 2017) signed by Dra. Concha Diez-Pastor.
After its publication, we received a request for a right of reply from Martín Domínguez Ruz and Dr. Pablo Rabasco, which led to the publication of a new article, “The architects Arniches y Domínguez” (On the w @ terfront vol. 60, nº 10, of June 30, 2018). This article called into question some of the statements and conclusions of the previous article.

At the end of 2019 we received a request for a right of reply from the aforementioned author. In order to clarify positions, we will publish the aforementioned reply.


Diez-Pastor, C. (2017). Arquitectura y Documentos. Mapa documental para el estudio de la arquitectura y las obras de Carlos Arniches. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, 58(1), 9-52. Recuperado de

Domínguez Ruz, M., & Rabasco, P. (2018). Los arquitectos Arniches y Domínguez: Ideas y autorías compartidas. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, 60(10), 3-54. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Diez-Pastor, M. Concepción. 2020. “Reply by Concha Díez- Pastor to Martín Domínguez Ruz and Pablo Rabasco”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 62 (2):48-51.