The image of contemporary architecture of Wrocław depicted in recent tourist commercial and Internet media




Wrocław, Contemporary architecture, city branding, architectural tourism


The aim of the paper is to present the tourist and image potential of contemporary public architecture.
Wrocław was chosen as the research subject, as it is a historical center with an extremely rich architectural heritage, which has enjoyed great interest among visitors for centuries. With the announcement of Wrocław as the European Capital of Culture 2016, and then the European Best Destination in 2018, its attractiveness increased significantly, which was reflected not only in the number of visitors, but also in the advertising materials themselves.
Both before and after arrival, millions of tourists encounter a multitude of various advertising forms, both virtual and printed, which determine the direction of sightseeing and shape a specific image and perception of the city. In general opinion, Wrocław is considered a historic city, the most interesting places of which are concentrated around the Old Town and Ostrów Tumski. The Centennial Hall, built at the beginning of the 20th century, stands out from the „newer heritage”.
The idea of the study, however, was to answer the question whether contemporary architecture is used in any way in the current tourist advertisement of the city. Another goal was to identify and list the most frequently appearing objects from the adopted group, and to analyze the manner of their presentation. Based on the collected materials, efforts were made to assess the role of the media in creating a tourist product in terms of promoting local architecture in recent years.
At the same time, an attempt was made to evaluate the role of architecture in creating the city’s progressive brand. In the research, the author used the method of analyzing the existing statistical data, iconographic research and the method of analyzing the content of advertising materials, as well as scientific studies on cultural heritage and tourism in the city. The final part of the paper shows that modern architecture can be a significant element increasing the tourist attractiveness of the city.

Author Biography

Natalia Bursiewicz, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Assistant professor at the Institute of History and Archives of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She has a degree in Art History and Iberian Studies from Wrocław University. Doctoral thesis on the evolution of a place in Spain within a historic city was defended with honors in May 2017. He currently teaches in the field of art and architecture history, as well as historical tourism and cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Bursiewicz, Natalia. 2021. “The Image of Contemporary Architecture of Wrocław Depicted in Recent Tourist Commercial and Internet Media”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 63 (9):28-48.