Murals as Memory Carriers. Analysis of the Meanings Given to Them and the Attitudes of Their Creators




muralism in Poland, commemorative murals, memory carriers, memory media;, urban space


The phenomenon of wall paintings has been developing in public space since the Mexican Revolution. Murals are used, among other purposes, to capture memories. Moreover, they are one of the most popular forms of representation of the past in public space, commonly called memory carriers. In the discussion of the research being carried out, the opportunities associated with the formation of historical awareness and attitudes towards society’s past through commemorative murals will be highlighted.
The research was conducted from July to November 2020. It was based on the analysis of the existing materials – photographs of commemorative murals (significant and marked elements) and interviews with semi-structured memory agents. The first stage of the described research focused on the authors of commemorative murals.
The aim of the research was to determine the meaning and values that the creators of murals have given in general and in particular to the commemorative murals made by themselves.
The research allowed, among other things, to answer questions concerning the artistic path of the creators (graffiti environment), what factors influenced the process of making mural (family history, one’s own past, finances, social involvement), worldview and values of the declared creators (patriotism) and attitude to the politics of memory.

Author Biography

Adrianna Krzywik, The Maria Grzegorzewska University. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

PhD candidate at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw.
Her research interests are related to artistic activities in public space. Analyses the social functioning of street art, memory carriers and social movements.


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2021-11-09 — Updated on 2022-02-28

How to Cite

Krzywik, Adrianna. 2022. “Murals As Memory Carriers. Analysis of the Meanings Given to Them and the Attitudes of Their Creators”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 63 (11):49-72.