Continuative meaning and communicative distance. Notes on the use of the spanish gerundial periphrases with “seguir/continuar/proseguir” + gerund


  • Dorien Nieuwenhuijsen Universidad de Utrecht



Spanish verbal periphrasis, continuative meaning, text genre, discourse continuum, communicative immediacy and distance, prefab


This paper examines the differences in distribution between three Spanish verbal periphrases with continuative meaning: gerundial constructions with seguir, continuar and proseguir. Based on quantitative data extracted from two Spanish language corpora, our diachronic and synchronic analysis shows that over time the three auxiliaries have experienced changes in frequency which can be related to text genre and to the concept of communicative immediacy and distance. We argue that in Modern Spanish the whole discourse continuum of communicative immediacy and distance is covered by continuar and seguir. Contrastively, proseguir mainly survives in the prefab proseguir diciendo, which also seems to have played a significant role in the original expansion of the periphrasis. Thus, our data suggest that prefabs are not only involved in increasing the use of a grammaticalizing construction, but that they arguably also play an important role in the preservation of a construction whose use has decreased significantly over time.


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How to Cite

Nieuwenhuijsen, D. (2023). Continuative meaning and communicative distance. Notes on the use of the spanish gerundial periphrases with “seguir/continuar/proseguir” + gerund. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 13(1), 55–77.