New trends in language studies of Spanish and Catalan


  • Magdalena Rosková University of Barcelona
  • Daniel Cuní Díez University of Barcelona
  • Samia Aderdouch Derdouch University of Barcelona



productivity, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, technological advances, digital humanities, multimodality


In recent years, it has been demonstrated that the emergence of new technologies has opened up new perspectives for linguistic study. In this way, with this monograph, the advances that are being carried out in current linguistics will be made known, paying special interest in productivity, sociolinguistics and historical linguistics. For example, within Construction Grammar, in general, and its diachronic aspect, in particular, the implementation of the notion of productivity is very relevant (Bybee 1995, Barðdal 2008). At the international level, these types of studies are frecuent in the bibliographic debate. On the contrary, in the field of Hispanic linguistics, they are beginning to develop in recent years. Another example is observed in the field of sociolinguistics, which, in recent decades, has experienced significant technological advances. Along the same lines, in historical linguistics, the development of new technologies has enabled linguists to access large amounts of historical data.


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Author Biographies

Magdalena Rosková, University of Barcelona

Graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Barcelona. Master in Spanish as a foreign language in professional fields from the University of Barcelona. She is a doctoral candidate in Hispanic Philology and an FI scholarship holder in the Department of Hispanic Philology, Theory of Literature and Communication of the University of Barcelona. Her areas of interest are multimodal interaction, historical grammar and teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Daniel Cuní Díez, University of Barcelona

Graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona. Master in Spanish as a foreign language in professional fields from the University of Barcelona. Doctor in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona. Currently, he is a professor and researcher at the University of Barcelona, the International University of Catalonia and the Open University of Catalonia. His areas of interest are historical grammar, specifically the study of verbal periphrases, text editing and teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Samia Aderdouch Derdouch, University of Barcelona

Graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona. Master in Spanish as a foreign language in professional fields from the University of Barcelona. Currently, she is a doctoral student in Hispanic Philology, and a professor and researcher at the University of Barcelona. Her areas of interest are sociolinguistics, language contact and studies on verbal periphrasis.



How to Cite

Rosková, M., Cuní Díez, D. ., & Aderdouch Derdouch, S. (2023). New trends in language studies of Spanish and Catalan. Anuari De Filologia. Estudis De Lingüística, 13(1), 135–147.



Noves tendències en els estudis lingüístics, Aderdouch, Cuní, Rosková coords.