

  • Antoni Font Ribas University of Barcelona


Higher education, professional skills, curricular changes, teacher role, functional, functional alignment


Improving quality in Higher Education is a hard task. That means dealing with a variety of relevant issues. To increase the level of quality, we have to pay attention to the changes we need to introduce. It’s naive to think that these changes could be introduced without a methodological approach. That affects the curriculum of the studies. Changes must be made at the structural, organizational, and cultural level. It’s very difficult -if not impossible- to implement all these changes at the same time, because educational projects and strategic plans for the centers should be required. Specific postgraduate courses must be planned and developed. A matchmaking office connecting Higher Education Institutions and the society would be helpful too.

Author Biography

Antoni Font Ribas, University of Barcelona

Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law
Law School. Private Law Department


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How to Cite

Font Ribas, A. (2021). Introduction. Education and Law Review, (1 Extraordinario), 10–33. Retrieved from

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