The bachelor’s degree final project and the development of research competence among future teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education




Higher education, Teacher training, Research competence, Bachelor's degree final project


INTRODUCTION. This study is the result of a research project aimed at developing research competence among students on the Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the University of Barcelona. It focuses on the analysis of the students’ perceptions regarding the level of acquisition of research competence both during the degree and after the completion of the bachelor’s degree final project.

METHOD. A descriptive study of data deriving from a questionnaire on a set of eight specific dimensions related to research competence before (n = 146) and after (n = 121) the final degree project.

RESULTS. Students feel that their level of research competence is low, even though the curriculum includes this type of skill. The results improve in some areas after completing the bachelor’s degree final project: for instance, the ability to formulate the objectives of a research study and create the theoretical foundation.

DISCUSSION. The results underline the need to rethink the training methodologies for future early childhood and primary education teachers. The extension of the bachelor’s degree final project may need to be adapted. The same is true of the prior training necessary to improve research skills.

Author Biography

Begoña Gros-Salvat, Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Educació


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How to Cite

Palou-Julian, B., Gros-Salvat, B., & Mercader-Tresserras, J. . (2022). The bachelor’s degree final project and the development of research competence among future teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 15(2), 1–15.



Research Articles