The service-learning methodology as a facilitating tool for education for sustainable development (ESD)




Service-learning, Higher education, Sustainable development goals


INTRODUCTION. An educational environment that facilitates student engagement and critical thinking is essential for the success of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) according to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This requires that the tools favour learning from a new approach, which involves a social component and takes into account the students’ soft skills.

METHODOLOGY. The Service-Learning (S-L) for educational proposal establishes fruitful relationships with society, in which both parties benefit. This paper proposes the application of the S-L methodology to achieve a successful implementation of ESD.

RESULTS. In line with Goal 11 (SDGs) ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’, this proposal aims for students to contribute to making cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. To this end, a S-L activity was carried out at the Rey Juan Carlos University with the participation of 140 students of the subject “Tourist Transport”.

DISCUSSION. This work demonstrates the usefulness of the Service-Learning methodology in the transmission of values associated with environmental, social and economic sustainability. In the activity, the students provide a service of transferring values to society while improving their communication and teamwork skills.

Author Biographies

Rocío González-Sánchez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD professor at Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis

Sonia Medina-Salgado, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD professor at Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis

María Torrejón-Ramos, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Professor at Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis

Soraya González-Mendes, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD student and professor at Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis

Sara Alonso-Muñoz, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD student and professor at Department of Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis


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How to Cite

González-Sánchez, R., Medina-Salgado, S., Torrejón-Ramos, M., González-Mendes, S., & Alonso-Muñoz, S. (2022). The service-learning methodology as a facilitating tool for education for sustainable development (ESD). REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 15(2), 1–9.



Special Section: 2nd International Conference in Experiences in Active Learning