Educational needs to promote affective and sexual health in young people in social risk situations


  • Ainoa Mateos Universitat de Barcelona
  • M.Àngels Balsells Universitat de Lleida
  • Ma. Cruz Molina Garuz Universitat de Barcelona
  • Núria Fuentes-Peláez Universitat de Barcelona
  • Crescencia Pastor-Vicente Universitat de Barcelona
  • Pere Amorós-Martí Universitat de Barcelona



Affective and sexual health, Emotional behaviour, Young people in vulnerable situations, Romantic love


Affective and sexual education for young people in social risk situation is essential for their affective and sexual health. Education in this field requires a rigorous approach based on the differential educational needs the members of this group have concerning affective and sexual health. This article presents the results of a study which analyses these needs. 48 professionals and 72 young people took part and a qualitative participative approach was used. Information was collected through discussion groups. The results show that culture, personal and family background in this group are conclusive factors that influence sexual behaviours. These factors must be taken into account, both in formal and non-formal educational schemes, in order to promote affective-sexual health, emphasizing specially the emotional, affective and social aspects.


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How to Cite

Mateos, A., Balsells, M., Molina Garuz, M. C., Fuentes-Peláez, N., Pastor-Vicente, C., & Amorós-Martí, P. (2014). Educational needs to promote affective and sexual health in young people in social risk situations. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 7(2), 14–27.



Research Articles