The construction of identities of beginner teachers in their job placements. A study in today's Argentina.
Sociocultural environment, Initial training, Teaching centers, Professor’s identities at practiceAbstract
This paper presents the results of an investigation done by the Grupo de Investigación en Formación Inicial y Prácticas Educativas (IFIPRAC-ED) of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), which purpose has been enquire the articulation ways that are produced between the knowledge learned during the professor’s initial training and the incorporation process to de educative centers in which their practices are developed, into the identities construction as teaching professors. The methodological boarding of the investigation describes and interprets the predicament dealing with the subject’s history (biography, memories), the “vestiges and marks” initial training and the professional insertion fields. The investigation discoveries can be summarized standing out: - The incidence of personal biographies in the first professional practices developing. - The articulation between personal biographies, social transformations occurred in the country and the adequacy of docent practices - The incidence of formation in the possibilities of articulation of the macroestuructural dimensions with the resolution of practical situations. This is: the recognition of the “new being docent ways” in front of the changes of the State and the schools.References
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