Cooperate to teach, learn cooperatively


  • Raúl García-Medina Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • José-Antonio García-Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Teacher training, Intercultural education, Inclusive education, Cooperative learning, Dialogic learning


The following experience emerges from the concern of the authors to achieve greater coherence between its pedagogical discourse (cooperative learning, critical pedagogy…) and the educational practice in the training of future teachers and educators, which  unfortunately  has been distorted by the numerous institutional structural barriers: individualism and educational isolation, competitiveness and curricular fragmentation… In order to achieve this aim, we attempted to turn every group of students into a learning community, by encouraging their involvement so that they could integrate their academic knowledge with the social or interactional knowledge, discover the value of reflection on the  practice and develop corresponsability in learning; in short, it was  about establishing dialogic  currents between the subjectivity of each student and between these and the teachers. After evaluating the experience, we have confirmed an increase of the sustained attention throughout the course due to the fact that the students broke with the habit of focusing evaluation in the final effort before the exam, as well as a greater  group cohesion that favored the interaction, knowledge exchange and collaboration.  At the same time, the authors  felt greater professional, intellectual and emotional satisfaction.


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How to Cite

García-Medina, R., & García-Fernández, J.-A. (2015). Cooperate to teach, learn cooperatively. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 8(2), 230–241.



Extraordinary special section: IV Conference on The Pedagogical Relationship at the University