Building other pedagogical relationships through images with youth in classroom. Tensions and learning


  • Judit Onsès-Segarra Universitat de Barcelona



Secondary school, Audiovisual method, Transit between subjectivities, Biographical narrative


During the academic course 2013/2014 I studied the master “Visual Arts and Education: a constructionism gaze”, in the University of Barcelona. The research I did for the final masters project, started with the master practices I carried on in a public secondary school, with students of 2nd of ESO. Although the research was articulated in two axes ( pedagogical relationships and the relation of young people with visual), the trip unfolded in much more dimensions. This article exposes a part of this research, focusing on the tensions and learning arisen during the transit between spaces and subjectivities. As when I pass from masters student to researcher, whithin the same classroom space, everything changes and should be rethought. In this paper, I will focus on learning emerged from the unexpected; from the not know how to manage a situation that started on a proposal to youth of secondary school where I made my masters practices; from tensions and implicit negotiations in modes of relationship; from transits we did not know we had to deal with (I and youth who participated).


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How to Cite

Onsès-Segarra, J. (2015). Building other pedagogical relationships through images with youth in classroom. Tensions and learning. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 8(2), 326–342.



Extraordinary special section: IV Conference on The Pedagogical Relationship at the University