Between Authority and Authoritarianism: Analysis of Digital Technologies´ Role in the Pedagogical Relationship
Teacher-pupil relation, Educational technology, Teacher behavior, Teaching experienceAbstract
In this article I deepened on the role digital technologies acquire in the construction of university pedagogical relationship. Traditional forms of control and educational organization hiding under the apparent sense of modernity that provides the use of digital technologies. Therefore, through the student's vision I wont the analysis about the forms of authority that develops teachers mediated by the use of these new resources. Also, I make an approach to the influence of the media in the construction of professional knowledge of future teachers in training. This study parts from a constructionist perspective (Holstein and Gubrium, 2008) research and it is based on the stories of experience (Connelly and Clandinin, 1995) generated by students of teaching from the debate of a critical incident (Day, 2006). The story of the students highlights the lack of neutrality keeps the whole technology and the need for teacher reflection associated with its introduction in university classrooms.References
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