Miyamoto sensei, a Japanese master in Brazil. An anthropology of the Education and the Ethnicity
Immigration, School, Ethnicity, Master, Japan, BrazilAbstract
Schools of Japan or nihon gakko have reflected the ethnic specificity of Japanese and Japanese Brazilian colonies in Brazil. These institutions have been centers of Japanese education for their children. The assumption underpinning this article defends the idea that the learning of the Japanese-language and Japanese culture in the nihon gakko has been and it is the main mean of ethnic cultural perpetuation of Japanese ancestry people in the Brazilian context. The aim of this text is to search a justification of this assumption starting from the creation of a socio-cultural history of Japanese Immigration in Brazil and the education of their descendants, and then followed by a nihon gakko Japanese teacher life history in Brazil. The combination of these two methods confirms our hypothesis, showing concurrently what has been and is the process of all the stakeholders’ acculturation that have been part of this schools in the Brazilian context.References
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