The classroom as a historical analysis laboratory: the origin of Fascisms in Europe
Teaching History, Puzzle de Aronson Technique, Active learning, Fascism, NeofascismAbstract
This paper presents a teaching lesson developed by a doctoral thesis and two research projects. These scientific projects are being promoted by the DHIGECS research group of Barcelona University (Didàctica de la Història, la Geografia i altres Ciències Socials, 2014 SGR 955). The main aim of this experience is to develop students’ collaborative working practices simulating the works of the experts in history of Italian Fascism and German Nacional Socialism. The pilot was implemented in a group of fourth grade in a high school of Cornellà de Llobregat city. To sum up, the aim of this article has two purposes: on one hand, we want to explain the technique of jigsaw or puzzle as an effective methodological strategy for learning history. On the other hand, we want to present the first results about the development of historical thinking in students as a new educational strategy.References
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