Instagram: an Australian–Catalan experiment in telecollaboration


  • Andreu Pedró-García Monash University



Telecollaboration, Online learning, Catalan as a second language, Intercultural competence, Interaction, Instagram


The present article explores the pedagogic potential of a project that uses the digital application Instagram to bring together Australian learners of Catalan as a second language and Catalan native speakers in a university context. The project is conducted alongside face-to-face language classes and is designed to enrich the learning process by dynamically combining written production with photography. Its main objectives are to enhance students’ communicative competence by promoting interaction between Catalan-language learners and native speakers, and to improve intercultural competence reciprocally and more directly by introducing each group to socio-cultural aspects of the other group. The data sheds light on the practice of distance interaction with native speakers as well as on the suitability of social networks for collaborative activities within a university framework.


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How to Cite

Pedró-García, A. (2016). Instagram: an Australian–Catalan experiment in telecollaboration. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 9(1), 11–28.



Research Articles