Narrative of a cyberbullying victim: A view through the prism of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory
Narrative, Ecological approach, Cyberbullying, VictimAbstract
INTRODUCTION. This research article sets out to study cyberbullying from a qualitative perspective using the technique of narrative productions to analyze the experience of exclusion, through the use of technologies, in a second-year student in a secondary school in Mérida, Venezuela. METHOD. The situation of harassment was analyzed by considering the categories that emerged from the narrative of the victim: electronic medium, physical location and level of intensity, group vs. one-on-one bullying, motive, timeframe and conflict resolution. The experience was then contextualized in the environmental levels comprising Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. RESULTS. An interpretive framework on cyberbullying victimization was generated, allowing the researchers to understand the characteristics of bullying, its different environments and the perceptions of the victim. DISCUSSION. The article proposes that we should take an ecological approach to the complex problem of cyberbullying and argues that it is suitable for intervening in the educational and psychological area.References
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