The current state of inclusive education in China




Inclusive education, Equality in education, Quality of education, Legislation, Attention to diversity, China


This paper begins by briefly reviewing the international advances in legislation promoting inclusive education in order to respond to the worldwide call to defend the human right to equality in education. It then takes the particular case of China to show the achievements and challenges of inclusive education, analyzing legislative and administrative documents and reporting in depth on research into the practice of inclusive education in a school centre in the province of Sichuan, using the Index for Inclusion of the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education. Finally, in the light of this research, the paper summarizes the current state of  inclusive education in China and makes recommendations about how this might be improved.


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How to Cite

Xing, S. (2017). The current state of inclusive education in China. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 10(2), 1–14.



Studies and trends