Using team-based learning: Contributions to the achievement of a deep learning approach and the improvement of teaching




Team-based learning, Learning approaches, Experiences of innovation in higher education, University education


INTRODUCTION. Team-based learning provides a methodology that has been successfully used in higher education. The methodology facilitates students’ active learning and allows teachers to diversify their teaching practice. METHOD. The article describes an experience in which team-based learning methodology was applied to a large group of students enrolled in a university course and evaluates its effectiveness in supporting both teaching and deep learning. RESULTS. The methodology was shown to foster deep learning insofar as 68% of the students undertook the course adopting a deep learning approach, according to the Study Process Questionnaire applied. The methodology also promoted favourable learning experiences, as evidenced in the results of the general index of the four dimensions used to evaluate the TBL approach (good teaching, clear goals, workload and appropriate evaluation), which gave a score of 74 in an index of 1 to 100. DISCUSSION. The findings are discussed using the presage, process, product (3P) model to measure the effectiveness of the methodology.

Author Biographies

Romina Gomez, Universidad Católica del Norte

Romina Gómez, Psicóloga y Master en Educación. Ha desarrollado su actividad académica en formación en pedagogía universitaria e innovación curricular, además de impartir docencia de pregrado y postgrado. Actualmente es jefa de innovación curricular del Centro de Innovación Metodológica y Tecnológica de la Universidad Católica  del Norte. Chile.

Eladio Donoso, Universidad Católica del Norte

El Dr. Donoso ha enseñado EFL / ESL y español como L2 por más de veinticinco años, tanto en Chile como en los Estados Unidos de América. Durante los últimos diez años, ha estado entrenando a futuros profesores de EFL en la Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. El Dr. Donoso es profesor de EFL / ESL, posee un M.A. en Lingüística, un DEA en Lengua Española y un Doctorado en Lingüística.


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How to Cite

Gomez, R., & Donoso, E. (2018). Using team-based learning: Contributions to the achievement of a deep learning approach and the improvement of teaching. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 11(2), 31–44.



Innovation articles