DIY culture in the university: from the teacher’s proposal to the student’s experience




Innovation, Creativity, Communicative competence, Cooperation, DIY approach


This paper addresses one of the current challenges facing university teaching by analyzing the implementation of the DIY approach in the teaching and learning processes in the University of Barcelona’s Bachelor’s Degree in Education. In addition to including teachers’ reflections on the experience, the analysis incorporates the voices of participating students. The text is divided into four sections. First, the INTRODUCTION gives an account of what the DIY approach represents. Second, the METHOD describes the European project that informed this research as well as the other two processes by which a DIY philosophy was implemented at the University of Barcelona. Third, the RESULTS section reviews the findings obtained during the implementation of DIYLab in a specific case. Fourth, the DISCUSSION of the results and some final considerations analyzes the challenges and the possibilities of introducing DIY culture in the University, as well as the contributions these projects make to improving teaching.

Author Biographies

Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Universitat de Barcelona

Académico e investigador del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universitat de Barcelona. He is a postdoctoral researcher (grant of Obra Social La Caixa) at the Department of Teaching and Educational Organization, at University of Barcelona. He holds a PhD in Education and Society at the University of Barcelona (UB). Postdoctoral Research in Adult Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Master Degree in Political Analysis and Institutional Counseling. Master Degree in Superior Education (UB). Master Degree in Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Sociologist, Universidad de Concepción. His research interests include digital culture, digital divide, decolonial research, and youth cultures. Contacte principal per a la correspondència editorial.

Joan-Anton Sánchez-Valero, Universitat de Barcelona

Académico e investigador del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universitat de Barcelona

Juana-María Sancho, Universitat de Barcelona

Catedrática de Tecnología Educativa del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universitat de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Rivera-Vargas, P., Sánchez-Valero, J.-A., & Sancho, J.-M. (2019). DIY culture in the university: from the teacher’s proposal to the student’s experience. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 12(1), 1–13.



Special section: VI Conference on the pedagogical relationship at university