Intertwining gazes: Learning from inquiry projects in a course on contemporary visual arts
Documentation, Inquiry projects, Collaborative learning, Art education, Visual cultureAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this article is to give an account of the tensions generated and the value that it had for a group of undergraduate students of Fine Arts to learn by managing their learning process. To this end, we invited a group of students taking the subject Contemporary Visual Arts to carry out their learning process through inquiry projects and the DIY (Do It Yourself) approach. METHOD: To give an account of this experience, from a narrative perspective, we brought together the gazes of two people: Julia, a student who wrote on the process of completing practical classes in the Master’s Degree in Visual Arts and Education, and Fernando, the teacher who reflected on the journey taken and on the picture that emerged from Julia’s report. RESULTS: The inquiry projects, as well as the personal and pedagogical relationships derived from this experience, opened new spaces for reflection and debate on topics such as the limits of the classroom, the role of students, the meaning of learning, creativity and collaborative work in a social and university context. DISCUSSION: This process has made it possible to reflect on both the tensions and the potential values generated by learning through inquiry projects at the University.References
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