Moderation analysis in the social and education sciences using the PROCESS macro for SPSS Statistics




Statistical analysis, Moderation, Process, SPSS, Regression


INTRODUCTION. Simple moderation is used to analyse the effect of a moderating variable on the causal relationship between an independent variable or predictor and a dependent or explained variable. METHOD. The PROCESS macro is an interface applied to the software package SPSS Statistics to make moderation analysis simpler and faster. The main objective of this study is to explain in simple terms how to perform a simple moderation analysis using PROCESS for SPSS applied to a practical case in the field of social and education sciences. RESULTS. The results suggest that the moderating variable (openness to experience) operates as such between the independent variable (emotional intelligence) and the dependent variable (difficulties in taking decisions about one’s studies) in participants with medium and high levels of openness to experience. DISCUSSION. This tool allows researchers with limited experience in moderation analysis to interpret results more quickly and easily.

Author Biography

Héctor Galindo-Domínguez, Universidad de Deusto

Héctor Galindo-Domínguez es profesor de Educación Primaria, Máster en Innovación e Investigación en Educación con especialidad en Investigación e Innovación en Diagnóstico y Orientación. Actualmente es doctorando en Educación dentro de la facultad de Psicología y Educación de la Universidad de Deusto.


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How to Cite

Galindo-Domínguez, H. (2019). Moderation analysis in the social and education sciences using the PROCESS macro for SPSS Statistics. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 12(1), 1–11.



Methodological articles