Rubrics and in-class feedback on a higher education course with statistical content




Rubrics, In-class feedback, Academic achievement, Test anxiety, Higher education


INTRODUCTION: This study analyzed the influence of two types of feedback (via rubrics and in-class) on students’ academic achievement in a higher education course with statistical content. Students’ views regarding the usefulness of these types of feedback were also examined. METHODS: After validating the rubrics in a sample of 100 students, a sample of 135 students was used to address the main objective of the study. The samples comprised undergraduates from the University of Barcelona who were taking a course called Research Designs as part of the Universiy of Barcelona’s Degree in Psychology. RESULTS: The majority of students regarded both types of feedback as being useful. Academic achievement did not differ according to whether students used rubrics, attended feedback classes, or made use of both types of feedback. However, there was a positive association between the frequency of attendance at feedback classes and academic performance. Finally, the students who reported feeling less anxious about exams as a result of using rubrics or attending feedback classes obtained better exam grades. DISCUSSION: This study shows that teaching approaches which include feedback may lead students to have a more favourable view of their learning, especially when the feedback is more personalized and given in class.


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How to Cite

Bono, R., & Núñez-Peña, M. I. (2019). Rubrics and in-class feedback on a higher education course with statistical content. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 12(1), 1–14.



Research Articles